Shopping Bag

Website Outage 01/24/2022

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 1/24/2022 to Website Operation
Started our business day with a warning from the company that hosts our website due to network issues our site would be offline at various times today. 

All orders placed over the weekend were processed and shipped today. We will have to go back and see if tracking numbers were updated correctly and emailed to our customers as this was one of the utility features affected as well. 

Thank you for your patience if you tried to ship our website today. 
Michael Jacobs

Parcel Tracking errors

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 12/21/2020 to News
If you have tried to use our website to track your parcel and are receiving errors the problem is not our website but the servers of the USPS that provide tracking details. 

The volume of people tracking parcels this year is causing delays and errors, sadly, if you call or email us we will experience the same problem trying to help you. 

We can only ask for your patience and ask they you try again at a later time. 

Thank you, 
Michael Jacobs

Problems completing orders with charge card payments July 16, 2020

Posted by MIchael Jacobs on 7/16/2020 to Website Operation
Customers Street address information is doubling up causing the processing of their charge cards to be delayed. From the customer side, it will look like your card is being declined. This is not the case. 

We are being notified of your order and then have to manually approve the order and fix your street address. 

Please, do not keep trying to process your card thinking you're doing something wrong. Please call our office and ask for Michael Jacobs, I have work with you to get these transactions fixed in the interim why we talk to our shopping cart provider and get this fixed. The problem seems to have started around 10 AM CST today. 

Our toll-free number is 888-487-5253
Thank you, 
Michael Jacobs

Cloudflare Error

Posted by MIchael Jacobs on 6/12/2020 to Website Operation
Hello, visitors and customers of We are aware of a Cloudflare Error that might cause a problem at our website. This matter has been reported to the company that provides our shopping cart website service. This is a sever level
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