The World Of Coins And Coin Collecting
3rd Edition
By: David L. Ganz
Hard Cover / 277 Pages
Actual size of book - H 10 1/4" x W 7"
Published by Taylor Trade Publishing
ISBN-10: 1566250994
ISBN-13: 9781566250993
Condition: New
Since its first publication in 1980, The World of Coins and Coin Collecting has been the complete guide to contemporary numismatics that collectors and investors repeatedly turn to. This award-winning book, now completely revised and expanded, covers important, significant developments in coin collecting during the last quarter century, and devotes the same careful attention to historical detail and how to collect coins that has made it an important addition to public and private libraries.
Here's the coin book with:
The latest values.
New price charts and graphs.
Timely investment advice.
Hundreds of photos.
A completely updated history of contemporary coin collecting and investing.
Heavily illustrated chapters explain how to build, organize, and display a coin collection; the evolution of coinage and tokens; the art of the medallion; and the recent interest in exotic paper money.
The appendices, with updated address information, list museums, coin clubs, and periodicals devoted to coins. They also include a descriptive recommended reading list.
This wide-ranging guide to an ever more popular field will be of great value to both the hobbyist and the collector interested primarily in coins as an investment.
Out of print and difficult to locate!