These Giant 3" Metal Coin Replicas have been one of our biggest sellers over the years. They are popular with both the young numismatist as well as the seasoned pro. When grouped together they make a very attractive wall display in a den, office or bedroom. We have had customers tell us that they work well when used as coasters. You are limited only by your own imagination when it comes to their use! And of course, they're always a terrific conversation piece when we are telling stories about the "Good Old Days" when we earned "Big Money."
Some of these Giant Coin Replicas are modeled after such popular Rare dates as the 1909 S V.D.B. Lincoln cent, the 1916 D Mercury dime, and the 1937 D 3 Legged Buffalo nickel. So, if the real "Rare Coin" is out of the question at this time why not get one of these inexpensive substitutes instead!
We offer a Quantity Price per design;
Quantity Price
6 - 11 pcs. $2.95@
12 - 35 pcs. $2.60@
36+ $2.40@