Title: 19th & 20th Century Type Set
Capital 12" x 12" acrylic three panel screw together holder with 43 coin openings for 19th & 20th century type coins.
5 Different Cents
Large, Flying Eagle, Indian, Lincoln and Memorial.
5 Different Nickels
Half Dime, Shield, Liberty, Buffalo and Jefferson.
5 Different Dimes
Bust, Seated, Barber, Mercury and Roosevelt.
5 Different Odd Type
Half Cent, 2¢ Piece, 3¢ Silver, 3¢ Nickel and 20¢.
10 Different Quarters
Bust, Seated, Barber, Standing Liberty, Washington, and the Statehood issues DE, PA, NJ, GA, and CT.
6 Different Half-Dollars
Bust, Liberty Seated, Barber, Walking Liberty, Franklin and Kennedy.
7 Different Dollars
Bust, Liberty Seated, Trade, Morgan, Peace, Eisenhower and S.B. Anthony.
Center Color Choices: Black or White.
Holder allows for viewing both sides of the coins.
Archival Safe Plastics